Friday, October 9, 2020

Young Gun Silver Fox, Hall, Oates, Becker, Fagen, Pierce, Fenner & Ziggy



American musician/producer Shawn Lee and young British soul man Andy Platts have made three records under the moniker Young Gun Silver Fox. These records appeared on my radar just yesterday while reading the September issue of Shindig. I was intrigued by Shawn Lee's opening quote, "This is the sound of I guess 1977 to '82 on the radio, the music that ruled the airwaves." Further reading drops names like Hall & Oates, Ambrosia, Michael McDonald and Steely Dan. 

Okay, I'll bite.

I chose to investigate their second release from 2018 titled "AM Waves," as the article mentions the new record "Canyons" having a more soul and R&B feel with "exquisite Quincy Jones-style arrangements." Quite frankly, I was looking forward to some Steely Ambrosia, and boy, did I get it.

"AM Waves" plays like The Rutles taking on "yacht rock," but without the yuks. This is a smart and slickly produced collection of original tunes that pays more than a little homage to the sounds of the aformentioned artists. It's never cheap, even when the opening chords of a song prompts you to name that tune in five notes. You'll be wrong, even if you are sure the Ace classic "How Long" or  H&O's "Sara Smile" is playing. 

If this type of music was never your thing, you might not be so impressed with the results on "AM Waves," but I think if you love any kind of music, you can appreciate the effort of Shawn Lee and Andy Platts. I really dug this record from head to tail. After a few more spins, I'll give both the debut and the new one a shot.




daudder said...

Wow. discovered them in 2019, and their 2015 West End Coast album (which I prefer to AM waves). Very catch earworms, that reveal their influences joyfully. Hooks, harmonies are enveloped in the slick production. Cant wait to listen to the new album.

Whattawino said...

Thank you, Sal! These are ALL damn good records. Having listened just today for the first time, I was liking everything I heard. I found West End Coast to be another entrance on to the 101, and that’s a very good thing!

heartsofstone said...

Great find. There is some good live stuff of theirs floating around which is equally impressive.

A Walk In The Woods said...

Dang, "Lenny" is the jam!

kodak ghost said...

Wow. Enjoyed that. Thanks.
I'm also really liking the new Joachim Cooder.

Dr Wu said...

This is great fun! There’s sure to be a ‘Yacht Rock’ episode in their future. Thank you for sharing.

floppyfarm said...

Time to Sell my vinyl probably 3,000 +++ From the 70's On

Sal Nunziato said...

Leave a comment with your email address. I won't publish and I'll get in touch.

hpunch said...

Buying now. Never heard of them. I love when you steer us towards unheard must.
Thank you once again.

kevin m said...

Sal - purchased both AM Waves and Canyons. So far, so great! Thanks for putting this on ou radar!

jeff said...

wow, those opening notes, and all of the sudden it's October 77 and Reggie is at the plate.