Monday, November 2, 2020

Hello Forever



Back in February, a band described as "an art pop collective" from Topanga, Hello Forever, dropped released their debut album "Whatever It Is." Some of the usual suspects were mentioned when describing the sound of the band "art pop collective," including Freddie Mercury and Brian Wilson. Because I am willing a sucker, I gave the record a chance.

In brief, I love the opening track and first single, "Some Faith." Quite frankly, some of the harmonies are stunning. But it all grows thin after a while and begins to sound gimmicky. In the band's "art pop collective's" defense, I think I might have fallen for any one of the tracks on "Whatever It Is" if played at various times over the course a month. These guys are talented.  But as a whole, the record feels like all style and no substance. 

Hello Forever is worth checking out. I'd be interested in your take. I'll get you started with these two tracks.


Gutter Cleaning Sydney said...

It's really nice!

cmealha said...

This is what Apple Music and Spotify were built for. Checking things out without commitment.

Shriner said...

Seems like it would be in my wheelhouse, but it didn't move me. Maybe it might another day.

buzzbabyjesus said...

I would have been all over this in 1974-6, but in 2020 it sounds too much like every other "art pop collective" who evoke the usual suspects I've tried to love, with ever diminishing returns, in the 40 something years since. "Some Faith" is fun, and I'd probably put it in a Weekend Mix, with other "only good song on the albums", but the other one wore thin within a minute, and I lost any curiosity.

Christine said...

I liked the second song. Reminded me a little of Fun.