Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Under The Weather


I had something else planned for today, but I received my second shot of the Pfizer vaccine yesterday.

At first, the side effects were minimal, as you can see in the photo. But things took an ugly turn overnight. It was the worst I've felt since hearing Van Halen III.

Already feeling a bit better, albeit somewhat sluggish and out of sorts. 

Thanks for your patience. 

See you tomorrow with something musical.


Anonymous said...

A week ago, Friday, my wife received her second Moderna and on Saturday it was like she took a right uppercut from Ali. She was out like a light all day long.

Rest well today then get your ass back in gear tomorrow - we need music!!


Whattawino said...

FEEL BETTER NOW, PLEASE! (And is that a Simpson’s pillowcase over your head or are they boxer shorts or what? Looks like it has healing properties is all I’m sayin’....)

Mr. Baez said...

Take care, it'll only last for the day.

heartsofstone said...

Hope that you feel better. Must be really shitty to draw comparisons with VHIII.

Keith35 said...

Congrats on your second shot. I got my second Moderna shot Sunday. Only had a sore arm for 2 days and slightly woozy the day after. It will be worth it.

M_Sharp said...

I got the J&J one shot a month ago, no after effects at all. I had both Shingles vaccines last last year, and the first practically knocked me out the next day, and I was still tired the day after that. I had a very sore arm, too. The second shot was much better. The price of $155 each after a GoodRX discount was a solid beat down too.

Chris Collins said...

I didn't realize it was as serious as VH3! I really have to rethink this!!

feel better!

Signtopia said...

Was VHIII worse than Metal Machine Music!?

kevin m said...

Hope you recover soon Sal. I go for Moderna shot #2 at the end of the month. I'm kind of dreading the possible side effects but it seems to be a 48 hour period.

Michael Giltz said...

Rest up, Sal! It means it's working, I guess, is the good news! Hopefully tomorrow or the next day you should be on the upswing. I get my second Pfizer shot April 26....

P.S. VH III? Shouldn't you maybe head to the emergency room?

Anonymous said...

Hoping that you feel better soon. I get Pfizer2 next Saturday. Not making any plans for Sunday.


James said...

Can I ask you something? Did you experience any side-effects with your first shot of Pfizer or just after this second one? I ask because my second shot is coming up and the only thing I had to deal with after the first jab was a very sore arm for the rest of the day. I'd like to be prepared and it would help if I knew whether you also had minimal negative effects after the first dose. Thanks, Sal.

Sal Nunziato said...

Nothing after the first Pfizer shot, though my arm hurt a lot longer than a day.
Second shot was fine for about 8 hours, and then it came on like a Mack truck. Severe body aches, all over. Throbbing headache. 100.8 fever. Tylenol really helps. Right now, the aches are minimal, the fever is low grade 99.4. On the other hand, my wife had her second Pfizer and she had a slight headache and some minor body aches.

FD13NYC said...

Feel better Sal, got my second Pfizer shot today, taking a day off tomorrow as a precaution. Hope I don't have to get embalmed.

A Walk In The Woods said...

Feel better soon. I am fortunate in that I had no side effects after Pfizer #2.