Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Van Morrison's "Latest Record Project" Deluxe Edition Bonus Tracks



1. Why Do They Have To Put The Price Sticker Right On The Apples?

2. No, Don't Take Lexington Avenue During Rush Hour

3. Not Specifically Mentioning Any Jews, But...

4. I Can't Stop Loving You

5. You're An Idiot, Eric Roberts Is A Good Actor

6. Vaccination, Schmaccination, Swanee Shore

7. My Head Is Growing Out My Hat, My Hat, My Hat, Hat, Hat, Hat, You, You You You, Idiot

8. Greadhainn Bu Gheal Ceir Liberal 

9. Are You Gonna Eat The Rest Of That?

10. Moon River

11. That Putz Just Cut In Front Of Me At Target

12. Black Death Is For Pussies

13. Betcha "Common One" Is Sounding Pretty Damn Good Now You Pansy-Ass COVID Denying, Clapton Haters


(with help from my pal Harry G.)


hpunch said...

hahaha. These titles interest me more than any Van record in a while.

Joe said...

Kind of sad, for protest songs, we have gone from Strange Fruit by Lady Day to Why are you on Facebook.

To quote Brian Wilson, I wasn't made for these times....

A Walk In The Woods said...

ha ha ha

It's all a shame... I've had to practice a massive rationalization (just like in the scene below from Big Chill) to deal with it. Compartmentalize. Compartmentalize. Because I love Van's music and always will... but man, the way his mind works! And this LP! Yikez


kodak ghost said...


EW said...

The problem with angry young men is that they grow up to be crazy old codgers.

M_Sharp said...

I feared the worst when I saw the song titles. Van the Man went QAnon.

Here's three more:
"Everything I Don't Like Is Fake News"

"I Can't Get Low Salt Wheat Thins Anywhere These Days Blues"

"Why Doesn't Joey DeFrancesco Return My Calls?"

Sal Nunziato said...

Haha! Great!

Michael Giltz said...

Very, very funny.

M_Sharp said...

"Are You Gonna Eat The Rest Of That?" should be a Southern Culture On The Skids song, if it isn't one already!

jonder said...

These Dreams Of Q
Tucker Carlson Said
Soros Avenue
It Redpills You Up
Did Ye Go One, Did Ye Go All
No Mask, No Vaccine, No Virus

Anonymous said...

This is funny stuff. Poor Van, the man is off his head. Hopefully he does not come and claim he is bigger than Jesus.

jonder said...

I Wanna Rudy You
Wherever Trump Flies His Jet
Proud Boys Go Riding
Migrant Caravan


Get Off My Lawn!

Sal Nunziato said...

"No Mask, No Vaccine, No Virus"


daudder said...

touché But now you know how I feel when one goes on and on about Bruce.

But bet you it does feel good to vent....:).

Sal Nunziato said...

Sorry Daudder,
But A) what does going on about Bruce have to do with this?
And B) This isn't venting. It's humor.

M_Sharp said...

"Too Late To Stop Ranting Now"
"T. B. Sheets Are Safer Than Masks"
"Jackie Wilson Said Global Warming Is A Hoax"
"Listen To The Lion, He Knows More Than Fauci"

paulinca said...

What I'm curious about is, which songs are the mid-tempo country songs with horns and a shuffle beat versus the white bluesman numbers with horns and a shuffle beat... :)


Unknown said...

The Economic System Is Debt Saturated

I Know How Money Is Created

jonder said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
big bad wolf said...

I think Elizabeth Nelson's review in Pitchfork is near perfect. Van's been nuts for decades and he's made some of the best music of the rock era, and even, she says, on this album he is a sometimes great singer and bandleader.I expect never to listen to this latest record project, but i'm not going to pile on an old, never-stable Van. We never came to Van for day-today guidance. He's given us far more beauty and joy than a silly (if apparently not bad musically) rant record can negate.

Sal Nunziato said...

@Big Bad Wolf

Creating a fake list of song titles for a few laughs is hardly piling it on.

Van, like Neil Young, has amassed as many weak records as strong records. (In Neil's case, I think the bad as finally overtaken the good.) But as I said, I've seen critics and fans alike tear apart Dylan (the terrific and underrated Christian records), McCartney (Everything since Abbey Road), Springsteen (Seeger Sessions, Western Stars, WOAD), Elvis Costello (everything since Spike), Todd Rundgren (everything since Somnething/Anything?), David Bowie (just about everything) for simply veering off onto different musical ground, which is a lot less offensive. No, it doesn't negate the beauty of his best work, or the joy of listening to any of his good records. But let's call it what it is.

Anonymous said...

Hello all...no, please remain seated,

Jason Isbell (on Twitter) recently: « I met Van Morrison a few years ago and he was nice & friendly and that disappointed me greatly I was hoping he’d kick me in the nuts. »

Response from a follower (not me): « I interviewed him multiple times. Wrote liner notes for him. He is a fascinating bunch of guys & would have gotten around to your nuts eventually. »

That made me laugh.


Christine said...


Anonymous said...

Best album he has ever done. =)

Michael Giltz said...

Wait, someone doesn't like Springsteen's Seeger sessions? That's crazy!! That band was GREAT and I hope he tours with them and records another album some day soon. On the other hand, we do have a new Bruce coming out later this year, so yeah.

I've been listening to Neil Young a lot, tackled the Archives Vol II (in a stupid, streaming way, rather than disc by disc, which was dumb) but boy oh boy h's got so much good stuff, I think the great stuff still outweighs the bad, though he is doing his Woody Allen best to prove me wrong.