Wednesday, July 14, 2021

There's Joy In The Joykiller



On a totally random suggestion from a friend, I listened to "Three," the third record from The Joykiller, a band led by Jack Grisham, formerly of TSOL. My friend thought it might be in my wheelhouse.

Here's the message:

"This is a record I’d love to play for you. The Joykiller “Three” from 1997.. really well-done punk/power-pop with lots of glam touches, piano, mellotron etc."

Pretty dead-on review.

I am sure I had handled numerous promo copies of this CD coming through the shop, but I don't recall ever listening to it. Better late than never.

If The Joykiller is old news to you, my apologies. But if like me, you hadn't heard a note, give "Three" a spin. There are many great tracks, including the three I've posted here.



Shriner said...

These were great! Is it worth digging deeper into their catalog?

Sal Nunziato said...

I listened to all of "Three" and liked just about every song. I have not yet heard the first two.

Whattawino said...

This stuff’s rockin’!

buzzbabyjesus said...

Surprised at how really good it is. I had a TSOL album back in the '80's I don't remember.

Anonymous said...

great stuff!