Thursday, March 10, 2022

40 New Songs



Brooklyn Vegan dropped "40 New Songs" last night. The artists include the following:

Deaf Club
End Game (Feat. Kat Moss)
Gang Of Youths
Whatever The Weather
Hiatus Kaiyote
Elzhi & Georgia Snne Muldrow
Melody's Echo Chamber
Altin Gun
Pillow Queens
Good Looks
Art D'eeco
Tess Parks
Tess Roby
P.E. (Pill + Eaters)
Dana Buoy

And John Doe.

I love John Doe, but I don't think this new single is anything special. 

So I chose something at random. Honeyglaze.

I gave it a minute and lost patience. Let me know how far you get.

Gang Of Youths cover Wilco. And it's dullsville.
Deaf Club cover Pixies. And so what?
Finneas covers Bon Iv...zzzzzzzzTHUD.

I tried.

Back to my regularly scheduled programming tomorrow.


Keith35 said...

The Father John Misty tune is pretty good; even if it's a bit too Harry Nilsson. But I'm a big fan of Misty

buzzbabyjesus said...

I'm really out of the loop. I don't know who or what Brooklyn Vegan is. John Doe's song is nice, but I didn't care, I saw X about 100 times by 1982. I wondered which Honeyglaze minute you meant. The one before the music starts or the one after. Regardless, I lost interest too.

Sal Nunziato said...

"I wondered which Honeyglaze minute you meant. The one before the music starts or the one after."

The opening minute frayed my nerves. At the point, I could care less about the music.

Bacon PB Muffin said...

That's my second listen to John Doe's new tune... good tune & his voice is holding together well. I love his 2005 solo album " Forever hasn't happened yet".

Anonymous said...

Well, even if I'd seen X a million times, I'd still care that John Doe's still putting out great music (Yes, I really like the song!). It was a bonus to see some of my east-side-of-the-Sierra haunts like the Alabama Hills and Mono Lake in the vid, too!
C in California