Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Ghost Song



I've known about Cécile McLorin Salvant for some time now, but honestly hadn't recalled hearing much of her music. Her new release is "Ghost Song," and it is a beautifully haunting collection of songs that defies categorization. Salvant is known as a jazz singer, and maybe her previously released records fall comfortably under that umbrella. I will find out for myself, soon. But the music on "Ghost Song" feels like a world unto itself.

The title track has been haunting me for days. It has been awhile since I have heard something that moved me quite this way.

Salvant opens things up with a stunning take on the Kate Bush classic "Wuthering Heights," and her current single is a more conventional jazz take on Sting's "Until." 

There are many twists and turns on "Ghost Song" and it is an exquisite ride if you are willing to get in. But if you are already heading over to another of your favorite blogs after seeing the words "jazz singer," please listen to the title track before you go.


Tinpot said...

Wow. Thank you for this. Never heard of her before, but will def. explore further. Alien originality is so rare, but so exciting and such fun.

Anonymous said...

I've listened to a few tracks previously and thought her singing was superb, but the songs weren't especially interesting. These 3 make me want to give her a more serious look. The Wuthering Heights cover is spooky.

I also agree with your assessment of Louis XIV. I've enjoyed that album for a long while.

- Paul in DK


Great call Sal -- Thanks.

I enjoyed her "The Window" album and maybe first heard her when she featured on an Artemis song.

Gotta check out "Ghost Song."

Michael Giltz said...

I'm a big fan too. This album should have been called Optimistic Voices. I was listening to that song while driving and I was thinking, "I know this song, but what is it? Really what the hell is it? I know I know it!" What a crazy left field song choice; she's def carrying on in the best Cassandra Wilson in that sense. I might send fans of jazz singers to her 2017 album Dreams and Daqgers first. On first pass, this album I would think might appeal more to those who also enjoy musicals. But the opening cover of Kate Bush's Wuthering Heights is awesome.

Christine said...

Loved listening to this! "I will die with the ghost of our long lost love." Whoa.