Monday, August 15, 2022

Do You Feel It?


I've been reading Gene Cornish's book about his "life as a Rascal," and it feels more like I am sitting at a bar with some guy sharing his stories, both good and bad, about being in a band. There is nothing incredibly deep on these pages, but I am enjoying the hell out of it.

I just read about this particular Ed Sullivan performance, which I must have seen at some point in my life. As Cornish tells it, the show ran short and there were three minutes to fill, so Ed called on The Rascals for one more. Everything about their first two songs was choreographed down to the letter, but for this, they called an audible.

Cornish says it's the "perfect, imperfect performance." Eddie Brigati misses backing vocal cues. Dino Danelli is completely unhinged on the drums. Eddie starts doing a crazed version of The Monkey. At one point, Cornish glares at Eddie as if to say, "What the fuck is going on here?" Eddie and Gene start doing James Brown dance moves. This is a band on fire!

I listen to The Rascals as much as any of my favorite artists, and of course, while reading this book, I am adding the soundtrack as it unfolds in each chapter. But these three minutes knocked my socks off!

I mean, I knew! But having never seen them in their heyday, I guess I really didn't.


pmac said...

A band that I feel neevr quite gets the full respect that they deserve. How Can I Be Sure is one of the greatest love songs ever recorded.

Joe said...

I really enjoyed Gene's book - - more so than Felix's book. The Rascals first 3 records was the soundtrack for my years growing up in Yonkers, NY. Those songs are wonderful and filled with such energy and soul. I did read that the Rascals sold the publishing rights to their songs. That made me quite sad. They deserved the financial benefit for those wonderful songs.

Their reunion show (that they performed on Broadway) is on youtube "Once Upon a Dream," and it is well worth your time, if you want to hear the story and the music of the Young Rascals.

Good way to start the week..

Sal Nunziato said...

I saw "Once Upon A Dream" at the Capitol Theatre before the Broadway run and it really was one of the greatest shows I had even experienced.

Joe said...

I saw it at the Capitol Theater too (along with our mutual New Orleans friends, Dan and Kathy). We saw it on the second night. Yes, it was amazing.

Anonymous said...

The Decades channel on UHF runs the "Best of Ed Sullivan," condensing full hour shows to 30 minutes. so many great artists, all live. an African-American coworker once told me that her family watched it, never knowing that the songs they liked on the radio were by black performers until they watched Sullivan. and then there's Ed's creepy affection for Petula Clark.

Whattawino said...


buzzbabyjesus said...

Hell YEAH!

steve simels said...

The Rascals Broadway show was utterly brilliant, BTW.

cmealha said...

The first band I ever saw live was The Rascals at Carnegie Hall. This performance just brought back all the energy and excitement I felt at that concert. Amazing!

Ken D said...

Well, that sure woke me up and recharged my afternoon.

(A lasting regret that I never saw them live...)

Mr. Baez said...

Fantastic! Saw them a few time when I was a kid. Remember a show in Long Beach, CA with the Box Tops on the bill. Great, great energy. I think I'm going to start my day for the rest of the week watching this clip. Thank you for letting me know about the book and this wonderful share. Sal,you're the best.

hpunch said...

They did those exhausting non stop quick edits back then too? Dino, hot damn!!

Anonymous said...

Incredible - the definition of "live rock and roll".


Bombshelter Slim said...

Dino, right? And he didn't spin his sticks once in this clip. Just smoked.

Stephen said...


M_Sharp said...

Great video!

pmac said...

And, thanks to you guys for alerting me about the Broadway show. I watched the youtube video of it last night, and was just amazed. Also, I found a remastered version of their Time Peace album, and the sound is excellent.

Anonymous said...

Lots to agree with above -- the irritating quick edits style clearly didn't originate in the 90s (or whenever that asinine style started); that is absolutely the smokingest (A word? No? It is now!) 3 minutes I've ever seen (Here's another, albeit longer, smoking vintage live version of another classic:; How Can I Be Sure is absolutely stunning.
One thing seems off, tho -- Ed is clearly heard at the beginning of the clip saying it's the start of the show, not a filler at the end, as apparently remembered by Cornish. Whatever the story, an absolute killer!
C in California

Sal Nunziato said...

The other hole in Gene's recollection-
He says Ed introduces them but they don't come right out because they were undecided about what to play and that you can hear Ed say, "Well come on!"

Chris Collins said...

this is killer!!

Shriner said...

This reminded me that I need to watch that copy of the show that's up on YouTube. I'll see if I can make that a weekend assignment as I've only heard good things about it.

Christine said...

Greatest thing ever!

Squints said...

Sal, this just smokes. I could happily watch an iso the entire song of just Dino.

Bonus question: Eddie Brigati and Robin Gibb -- separated at birth?