Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Fun Film Facts #1; A New Series


"Captain Corelli's Mandolin," a 2001 film starring Nicolas Cage and Penelope Cruz based on the 1994 novel by Louis De Bernieres, began with good intentions, but in the end, disappointed many. Like so many films, treatments and scripts were rewritten and tossed numerous times before the producers settled on the final draft for the film that was eventually released. 
Here now, are the Top 10 original screenplays that were rejected:

10. Corporal Corelli's Mandolin
 9.  Mr. Corelli's Mandolin
 8.  That Guy Saul From B Company's Jew's Harp
 7.  Monica's Harmonica
 6.  The Harmonica Of Monica
 5.  Ensign Swenson's Didgeridoo
 4.  Private Fongoole's Lobster Bib
 3.  Who Is Monica Corelli And Why Is She Playing That Goddamned Harmonica
 2.  M*A*N*D*O*L*I*N
 1.  The Fast & The Furious 14: Captain's Corelli's Mandolin


steve simels said...

I vote for #5.😎

Anonymous said...

I recall falling asleep while watching this movie at home. Never tried again to finish viewing.

In regard to today's cover version, The Who and guest Leslie West are awesome on Baby Don't You Do It. The new Who's Next box set kicks off disc 4 with a version from the New York Record Plant Sessions, 1971, Take 2, Unedited. It's just under 9 minutes of joy, though less concise than this version. I'm still working my way through the rest of the box, but so far it is very good.

- Paul in DK

Allan Rosenberg said...

I vote for #1!

Captain Al

Anonymous said...

I'd watch the didgeridoo movie.


Christine said...

I can't stop laughing at numbers 1, 2 and 4!

This happens to so many movies based on amazing books. Of course as a die hard Stephen King fan, I've been disappointed many times.

Anonymous said...

Go with it, eric Eric Denmark have you seen kiss kiss bang bang?

M_Sharp said...

Good one! I would go to most of those. We need more lobster bib movies!