Thursday, October 19, 2023

Dwight Twilley, 1951-2023


This is awful news.  

Apparently, Dwight Twilley had a stroke while driving and crashed into a tree. That seems unfair. Hard to beat those first five records.

Rest In Peace, Dwight Twilley.

You deserved more. 

And god I love this song.


Beyes said...

Very sad news! "Because a photograph is like an hourglass sometimes..."

Anonymous said...

That sucks! At least we have all the great music to remember Dwight by. Sincerely and Twilley Don't Mind have been on regular rotation for over 40 years, and his more recent work is worthy.

- Paul in DK

EW said...

So sad ... I saw him once in the original incarnation with Phil Seymour. Great show. D never got his due.

Anonymous said...

And this reminds me of TP's contribution to 'Girls', which went unmentioned in your Sept 22 post about guest vocalists' contributions to classics.
C in California

Anonymous said...

The band’s first two albums are as perfect as it gets. Realized today that I’d forgotten Why You Wanna Break My Heart. Too soon. R.I.P. Dwight.

And thank you to BW for celebrating his work throughout the years.

wardo said...

Tough year for losing heroes.

Anonymous said...

Listening to "Sleeping" now and practically in tears.

G said...

Gut punch.

buzzbabyjesus said...

So sorry to hear. I love those first two albums.

soundsource said...


Anonymous said...

Too devastated to even comment till now. I can't even come close to expressing the loss I feel. Only Tom Petty's death impacted me more. This is a tragic loss. I was acquainted with both of these guys in a largely fan-star way. Each of them had a different nickname for me. Because I attended so many of their shows, they knew me on sight and appreciated my devotion. So it's kinda personal. Of the two, Dwight had his shit more together.

I'm very sad and blue. He was a great person and a huge talent. He had the right roots and the vision to make his indelible mark on music. He was prolific. He was persistent and driven by his reason to be alive. And, despite all the bullshit he had to go through, he stayed positive. An extraordinary talent who leaves a rich legacy. A craftsmen who kept it concise and oh, so sweet. Thanks for the memories and the exquisite hooks.