Saturday, November 11, 2023

Beatlef**kingmania 2023!



The Beatles haven't made a good album since the 2023 remixes of the "Red" and "Blue" compilations.

These two compilations, originally released in 1973, were the first official "Greatest Hits" packages assembled for the Fabs. They didn't interest me in 1973. I had every Beatles album. I didn't need to hear "the hits." Every song was a hit in my house. But, hearing new remixes on vinyl cut at half-speed at Abbey Road? I was all in.

How insane is all this attention 60 years after the fact? Record stores, record dealers, and even Amazon could not supply the demand for the new single and the two remixed sets. Some record stores advertised "only one copy of each." A few dealers cried, "We received NO 7" singles!" I preordered the box the minute it was announced weeks ago. Amazon did not ship for street date. I have to wait until next week. And if you ordered it today, the price jumped from $118 for the 6 LPs to $150, and you'd still need to wait until after Thanksgiving for delivery. 

Beatlef**kingmania, 2023!

Well, I couldn't wait, so I dialed up Amazon Music on my iPhone, set the playback to Dolby Atmos, poured myself a Basil Hayden, adjusted my Koss headphones and let her rip.

I swear I saw God.

The songs representing the records that had already been remixed---"Revolver," "Pepper," "The White Album" and "Abbey Road" sounded great in Atmos. But the new shit blew my mind!

The fade-in and splash on "Eight Days A Week" make Ringo's drums sound like John Bonham.
"Day Tripper" is nasty!
"Can't Buy Me Love" explodes!

As each song ended and the next began, I had to wipe the tears from eyes. 

Am I gushing? Is this too much?

I don't care.

We are no longer talking about a new, fake single. This is the music that made history. This is music that miraculously, has never aged. If you think you don't need to hear "Help" or "A Hard Day's Night" or "We Can Work It Out" or "You Can't Do That" ever again, then you'll be missing out.

I doubt very much that the two videos posted here will do any justice at all to what these new remixes bring out. So, trust me. Open up your favorite streaming service, find your ideal listening situation and dig in to the new "Red" & "Blue." If you don't hear what I am hearing, then I give up.


Anonymous said...

I know you well enough that when you gush, your serious.

You've sold me.


Jobe said...

Good God, "I Am The Walrus" is almost completely new.

Gummo said...

Just listened to the first half of 62-66 and yes, it's like decades of murk I didn't even realize was there has been wiped away -- without altering the original mixes.

And this was at low volume (my wife is still asleep), so I can't wait to hear the rest.

buzzbabyjesus said...

I still have a "Blue" edition bought in 1973.

The other night I played the 2020 half speed mastered side 4 of The White album over my new audiophile speakers. I hadn't sat through Revolution #9 since the '70's.
It sounds great, and the structure makes it a masterpiece. For the first time I understood why John insisted it stay on the album.

I think the new mixes are really good.

Keith35 said...

Unless there are extras in the box, it looks like buying the sets separately is much cheaper than $150

wardo said...

The chugging guitars on "Magical Mystery Tour"... wow.

pmac said...

I listened to the newly mixed "Blue" album today. We were on a train headed from Barcelona to Seville, and I had my iplugs in while streaming through Tidal. My god, I heard things for the first time. I kept nudging my wife awake and telling her repeatedly, you gotta hear this. Its a revelation. I was going to pass on this vinyl set, but just put in an order for both. When Paul sang when I'm 64, I never thought he would be referring to my age when Beatles' vinyl would be a thing again.

paulinca said...

I sure wish I could throw down for these! My Beatlemania experience came this week when I taught the Beatles to my high schoolers for a week. It coincided with the release of "Now and Then" and most of the students discovered their next favorite band. :)


pmac said...

What Jobe said about Walrus is spot on - its like new music.

Michael Giltz said...

Sounds like the thrill I had when playing the MONO box and heard the Beatles albums as intended for the first time. Can't wait to check this out when my CD sets (I'm old school/new school) arrive from the Beatles official website.

Mr. Baez said...

I'm slack jawed, like hearing each one for the first time all over again.The clarity and separation are miraculous. Somehow the same but more perfect.

daudder said...

Well, what does one expect. They sound as vibrant and modern as the day they came out. Remasters are simply bringing a reason to listen to them like new.

One point on people being somehat dismissive and disappointed to Now and Then. Watch/listen to the reaction videos, by young and old, and see the emotion, surprise, delight of hearing the new song for the first time. What has delighted me in both my first listen, and theirs, is the range of, newbies, people emersed in Beatles hsitory, people who seem oblivious to Beatle lore. Quite remarkable to witness.

Sal Nunziato said...

"Now & Then" gets better with each play. I think the chorus is a heartbreaker.

steve simels said...

You said it right — this music has never aged.

Keith35 said...

OK, I just splurged for both sets. I just saw Mike Portnoy (drummer of Dream Theater) gush over how great these sound.

Sal Nunziato said...

Oh really? So you trust Mike Portnoy over me?
Ok. Ok. I understand now.


Keith35 said...

Sal, I read your blog everyday so OBVIOUSLY I respect your opinion, lol. But he just confirmed how great these sound. I sent you a link on Instagram

pmac said...

Oh man, just finished 62-66. Its more impressive than the older set and that's saying a ton. Its timeless.

FD13NYC said...

They do sound great!!

Christine said...

I hear it - so crisp and clear. Now, to find the perfect listening situation - a much harder thing to come by in my world!

Anonymous said...

I love the Beatles. Please Please Me was Top 40 in my hometown of San Bernardino spring 1963. From Me To You was a follow up hit summer 1963. It was in the Top Ten (#7). So we got an early start compared to the rest of the country. I snapped up both singles. I was waiting for their next 45 but nothing happened for a long time. Apparently PD and DJ's thought She Love You was stupid. It got no airplay when it was released so I didn't know it existed. My dad had subscriptions to both Time and Newsweek. I was a pretty smart kid and was beyond the Weekly Reader's that they passed out at school. I remember reading articles about them in both mags. What I thought was the the next single was I Want to Hold Your Hand. I liked the B-Side better. And the radio played plenty of it. The Beatles on the airwaves was the best Christmas present ever. And 1964 was Christmas all year.

I love that they expanded the Red and Blue. I even love that Alpha and Omega forced them to release them in the first place.

I haven't listened to the Blue one yet. Is the Blue one true 2023 mixes? I haven't read the info about it.

I listened to the entire 1962-1966. It's definitely different. The vocals seem to have been brought to the foregroud more with a dryer sound. Ringo's drums esp bass drum is more distinct. Overall it sounds dryer to me. And clean. But maybe less room ambience. I didn't cry. I'm happy and sad at the same time. Out with old. In with the new.

It's not the way I remember it. But I guess that's the point.

Just so long as the original mixes stay avaliable. Hang on to your originals or MOFI's.

I can't remember, have they colorized the early Ed Sullivan shows already?