Thursday, April 4, 2024



M_Sharp said...

Off to a good start this morning, thanks!

Christine said...

Damn, I love these kids! Their voices, harmonies, blending of instruments. How are they not more popular?

Sal Nunziato said...

They're getting there. Playing bigger venues. Lots of buzz around this new record.

ken49 said...

Another winner. Just love the dee dee dees and the dos dos dos. I'm sure there's a technical term for non sensical singing.

cmealha said...

What tremendous talents! I am anticipating this new album more and more. I can't wait.

steve simels said...

Plus they used my old pre-CBS bass amp that I gifted them last time they were on Jimmy Fallon. I couldn’t be more proud.😎

Michael Giltz said...

Very cool

hpunch said...

Why did Now Playing go back to its original form?

Sal Nunziato said...

Temporary setback