Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Happy Birthday Sweet 16


Last year on September 3rd, I received a text from my friend Michael wishing Burning Wood a Happy 15th Birthday.  I hadn't realized. Yesterday, someone left a comment on the Oasis post wishing Burning Wood a Happy 16th Birthday. Again, I hadn't been thinking about it. But thank you for the reminder.

Yes, it's been 16 years of this lunacy. Do I have another 16 years in me?
Well, if Jack Lord is willing and us freaks stay alive, I will be at your service, trying my damnedest to keep you interested.

There is one thing I need to mention. Apologies in advance. 

With each BW birthday, comes the need to renew the site that houses all of the mixes and zip files. Now there are plenty of sites who offer their hosting and storage services for free, but along with that free service comes more complications: time consuming downloads with passwords, limits, less space  and more annoying pop-ups for Sky Rizzi, no longer just a loan shark from the neighborhood. 

I never feel comfortable asking for help, but I've been encouraged by friends and loyal readers that doing it once a year isn't nearly as bad as how I actually feel about asking. Quite frankly, I just can't afford it this year.

If you feel inspired, the donate button is about halfway down on the right. And if you don't, that's alright, too.

Thank you all for being here all this time and for all your comments and support, both spiritually and financially.


Whattawino said...


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Sal, thanks for giving me a place to stop by everyday!


Troy said...

Happy birthday to the blog. Will it be getting its driver's license now?


Well done young man! I first found Burning Wood maybe fifteen years ago and just figured it had always been there. My musical life is incredibility richer thanks to you; here's to sixteen more! Of course I'll throw a few bucks in the bucket to keep the electrons moving.

Michael Giltz said...

Happy Worthday! Ha, I like that. Well deserved!

Michael Giltz said...

The Stray Cats will date you now.

Michael Giltz said...

I meant Ringo Fix it please :) If you post

Christopher said...

Happy Birthday! Thanks for the many music memories!

Noel M said...

Just donated to help with those fees - c'mon everyone, even if you're po' like me, I hope you can donate something to help Sal maintain this great site.

And happy anniversary to Burning Wood, best music blog on the web.

Mr. Baez said...

They say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time (always do whenever I visit.) Here's to many more years. Thanks, Sal.

dogbreath said...

Grateful thanks for all the time and effort, and blood, sweat and tears (not a bad band in their day), that goes into making this blog what it is. (If I ever discover exactly what it is, I'll let you know, but I love it anyway). Cheers!

M_Sharp said...

Happy Birthday to Burning Wood! Keep all those good posts coming, Sal!