Sunday, September 15, 2024

Songs Of The Week, 2024: 9/7-9/13


In The Light- Led Zeppelin
Seven Years In Tibet- David Bowie
Ch-Check It Out- Beastie Boys
Loose Ends- Bash & Pop
Alice- Mott The Hoople
Don't Make Promises- Timebox
A Man I'll Never Be- Boston


I had a few conversations with myself about the notes I'd write for this week's selections and most included the voices of the detractors. Mention Jimmy Page's brilliant riff on "In The Light," hear the voices saying Zeppelin sucks or calling Page a thief...again. Talk about the daring foray Bowie had taken into electronica on the underrated "Earthling," get the usual strikedown about how all his records sucked after "Scary Monsters." Mention the Beastie Boys, clear the room completely, regardless of how funky and hook-filled a song might be, because rap ain't music. And forget about Boston! I've been wanting to share "A Man I'll Never Be" for years. This song is big and has one of the great rock vocals of all time. But ya know, Boston sucks.

Then I thought, fuck it. I can take it. If things got really bad, at least Bash & Pop would cheer everyone up. And I could tout Timebox one more time, one of my favorite bands that no one knows. Here they cover Tim Hardin, but I highly suggest listening to the Deram collection, which has great single after great single. (Timebox featured Ollie Halsall, John Halsey and Mike Patto who then went on to form Patto, by the way.)

Maybe I just won't write any notes and let the music do the talking.

Dig it.


Anonymous said...

Let the music do the talking would be a great song title. Oh… wait

Anonymous said...

John Halsey was also in the Rutles and so was Ollie Halsall (as comedian Eric Idle wasn't a musician). Halsall briefly appears on a photography as Leppo, the fifth Rutle, in the "All you need is cash" film ...

Bob said...

Sorry to hear that you get those types of responses. I come here because I respect and look forward to your comments and suggestions, not to argue with or contradict you. Let the music do the talking, for sure, but keep up your talking, too!

Sal Nunziato said...

Thanks for the kind words. I don't mind the arguing. I am always up for a good musical debate. I just get tired of the same arguments about said artists.

steve simels said...

Well, nobody hates Mott the Hoople.😯

JD said...

Thanks for continuing to post these. I look forward to my Sunday rabbit hole. Today is Timebox. I never knew they covered Beggin'. Wow - awesome.

Anonymous said...

The first concert I went to was Boston on the Don't Look Back tour. I was 14 and enjoyed it, though I learned to avoid the big arena shows as much as possible. A Man I'll Never Be is the best song on that album.

Around the same time, I bought a used copy of Physical Graffiti on my friend Steve's recommendation. It's my favorite of theirs, especially side 3 which kicks off with In The Light and doesn't let up. I haven't played it in years, though, mostly because I find Plant's vocals are too often an annoying whine (e.g., Custard Pie). When he just sings, as on PG side 3, he's fine.

Timebox is new to me (but Patto isn't), so I'll have to give them a spin.

- Paul in DK

dogbreath said...

I always enjoy your pithy comments appended to the tracks, be a shame to lose that pith. Good selection in this week's zip and the Boston tune is classic rock. And Brad Delp was a great rock vocalist, equally at ease on the ballads, his tragic end was very sad.

Michael Giltz said...

Keep the pith! Timebox??!! New to me. And Led Zep's Physical Graffiti is terrific. Maybe their best; maybe my favorite.

Michael Giltz said...

You have voices in your head too?

Marc said...

I grew up thinking I ought to hate Boston. I can't even remember why, really. For years I wouldn't give them the time of day. But like a lot of my teenage opinions, it was wrong. The stuff I liked then I was usually right about, but a lot of the stuff I thought I hated is actually good. I still agree with my teenage self about the Eagles and Steely Dan, though -- I'm never going to like them.

iamjethro said...

That Boston song is on play a bunch in my head and on my computer.

Marc said...

I don't hate Led Zeppelin, and certainly wouldn't snark at anyone who's a fan. But I've never truly loved them the way I love the Beatles and Stones. A critic once described them as the blues, but as cold and white as a wooly mammoth buried in the Siberian tundra. Hyperbolic? Yeah, sure. But maybe not ENTIRELY wrong.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, don't stop commenting!
Hey, when I played that Today's Cover Version selection -- a keeper, by the way -- there was a song in the Recommended column called 'White Hop' by the Aggrovators that I clicked on, and I'm thinking you (Sal [and other reggae/bluebeat/rocksteady fans]) might like it as I did, if you don't already have it.
C in California

Anonymous said...

Ah, never mind the recommendation of the Aggrovators. I see it's basically the same thing as Roland Alphonso's 'Whiter Shade Of Pale'. I thought it sounded familiar!
C in California