Friday, October 18, 2024

Black Rock Music

Black Rock (1982) James Blood Ulmer

I was already a fan when this came out.
A discovery of the previous year, his "Freelancing" album and hyper original take on jazz/funk/blues more than had my attention.
One of the very best things in life is buying your latest musical obsession's next album, and it's better than the last.
"Black Rock" not only has all the quirky polyrhythm harmolodic jazz mayhem of the predecessor, but also the addition of great songs, with spectacular vocals by he and his wife, Irene Datcher, particularly on "Family Affair".
It's an all time favorite, something I've played to death and always think is possibly the best record ever made while listening to it, like I am right now.
I ordered this fine original copy in early 2024 from Discogs, for under $20 .
A timeless masterpiece. Five stars.


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