Thursday, January 30, 2025

Marianne Faithfull, 1946-2025


In the early 80's, I was dating a Rolling Stones fanatic. I mean, I'm a big fan of the Rolling Stones. But this was something else altogether. She was relentless. Bursting out into "Stray Cat Blues on subway cars. Knowing the lyrics to every song on "Tattoo You" a day after its release. Dressing like Keith. Calling out Stones' songs at other people's concerts. She was all in. 
The upside is that I got to see artists in concert that I most likely would not have seen, just because a Stone might show up. Peter Tosh at The Ritz in 1981. (No Mick.) Screamin' Jay Hawkins at The Savoy. (No Keith.) And Marianne Faithfull at The Ritz in 1982. (No Mick Or Keith.) It was disappointing for her, but not for me. All three shows stayed with me all these years later. But so did the night my girlfriend sang all of Marianne's "Why'd Ya Do It" at the top of her lungs in a packed West 4th Street McDonald's. If you don't know the lyrics, look em up and think of me, that night, trying to eat a Big Mac while this was going on. (Good times. )

Years later, late 90's, Vicki Wickham, who was a friend of my shop, came in one night with Nona Hendryx and Miss Faithfull. She was sweet and elegant and was very happy to sign my copy of "Dangerous Acquaintances," which I sadly left behind with a number of things I wish I didn't. But, I still have my Ritz stub. Gonna listen to Marianne right now.



Anonymous said...

Back before you could check something out on the 'net I read about Broken English and was intrigued enough to put money down for the album, something this cheap and traditionally unmonied dude didn't do lightly. Atop that, it had on it her version of Working Class Hero, then and still one of my two favorite songs of all time, so there was even more chance for me to be disappointed. It was, still is, and will always be a stunning piece of work and art never to be duplicated.
C in California

Unknown said...

My first thought: "say it in broken English" -v

kodak ghost said...

Good review.

kodak ghost said...

cmealha said...

Re: "Why'd Ya Do It"

I like the new Sparks. There's a great energy to it

Sal Nunziato said...

"Re: "Why'd Ya Do It"

Yeah, and I had to pay for her Filet-O-Fish on top of it.

Anonymous said...

MF was a unique artist, didn't sound like anybody else (ignoring the 1960's work). I saw her in 1990 on the tour with just a pianist as accompaniment. She cancelled two other events I had tickets for. For those scared of Why'd Ya Do It?, try The Ballad of Lucy Jordan instead (it featured in Thelma and Louise, too).

- Paul in DK

Anonymous said...

Great story, she sure was one of a kind.


steve simels said...

Okay, the burger joint performance story made me expel ice tea onto my computer screen.😎

Michael Giltz said...

Def a warning sign when someone orders a Filet-O-Fish. And as with all concert stubs, I can't help but look at the price and think "$12," those were the days.

M_Sharp said...

RIP. She mades some great records, it's very cool that she came into your store with Nona Hendryx!
I think I would have moved to another table across the room at McD's, though.