Thursday, January 30, 2025

New From Sparks



This one is sure to shred a few nerves, but I think it's solid. I love the sound. It's has a bit of that Giorgio Moroder period but with some glammy guitar. The new album "Mad!" is due later this year.


Art58Koen said...

Fantastic track, thanks, I had no idea bout it!

buzzbabyjesus said...

Sounds a lot like a Tall Dwarfs song I have somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Well, now you've done it: Featured a Sparks song I can get behind. Doesn't sound like what Tall Dwarfs I have, but def has an 80s Brit Empire college vibe, and that ain't bad (to quote Ratcat, another crunchy Australasia band).
C in California

Michael Giltz said...

Happy Sparks new music day!

hpunch said...

Love it

M_Sharp said...

Very solid tune! And it doesn't have... the voice.