Alone In My Room- Dwight Twilley
Clocks All Stopped- Kasim Sulton
Dream The Night Away- Cheap Trick
James Bond- The Selecter
Release It- The Time
Don't Touch Me There- The Tubes
Karina (Domingo No Grajau)- Arthur Verocai
Alone In My Room- Dwight Twilley
(From "Twilley," Twilley's third and first without Phil Seymour. My fave from the record.)
Clocks All Stopped- Kasim Sulton
(From Kasim's third solo album, with help from Todd Rundgren. Could have been on a Utopia album. A lovely record.)
Dream The Night Away- Cheap Trick
(I always say, don't sleep on those Cheap Trick albums after "Dream Police." So many got off the bus early, and so many of the later records are just as good, a few even better, than the big ones, like "Rockford" from 2006, for instance. This is one of many gems from that album.)
James Bond- The Selecter
(I'm a sucker for a James Bond tune.)
Release It- The Time
(Love the drums on this one. Funky, baby.)
Don't Touch Me There- The Tubes
(No sophomore slump here. The debut got a lot of attention. Then some years later, they had big MTV hits. But "Young & Rich," The Tubes second album from 1976 is one of their strongest. Who doesn't love a Phil Spector, girl group pastiche?)
Karina (Domingo No Grajau)- Arthur Verocai
(The closing track on one of the greatest Brazilian records of all time, closes things out here. Quente!)
Don’t Touch Me There is the first Tubes song I heard way back in the late 70’s via radio. I’ve enjoyed Young and Rich since.
- Paul In DK
That Time cut is killer. Woke me right up and had me groovin' with my coffee.
Thank you Sal!
At first, I thought the Selecter sang James Bond Tequila but it looked it really was James Bond the killer or was it ?
J from Europe.
Just imagine hearing Don't Touch Me There on the radio back in 1965... Oh my!!!
Thanks for the mix!
Nice mix! Bring on the spring!
Finding hard to believe everyone except Sal is sleeping on "Alone in My Room"!
Sal, have you heard the Blueprint edition of Scuba Divers on Omnivore? Doubles the length of the CD!
Todd, my fave Twilley! But I don't have a working CD player and the Blueprint isn't streaming anywhere!
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