I Must Be High- Wilco
I Am Waiting- Ollabelle
They Don't Know- Tracey Ullman
Back In My Arms Again- The Supremes
Outbreak Of Love- Midnight Oil
Down Down The Deep River- Okkervil River
Don't Let Me Wait Too Long- George Harrison
Some of you pointed out to me that all zip files were in working order. So I got on the horn with LunarPages. Here's some of what took place. I left out some technical information for security purposes.
My user name is---
My name is Sal Nunziato.
Here is one of 500+ examples:
http://burnwoodtonite. blogspot.com/2013/09/mr-bass- man-youve-got-that-certain. html
At the bottom of that page is a ZIP file, which was
working until about 11:AM last Friday. Then, without warning it, along
with every other zip on my site, was disabled.
was told I needed to purchase a security certificate, among other
things, and even if I did, 5 years worth of files would
still be disabled unless everything was renamed and given a new path.
I called and spoke to someone again this morning and I was told "unfortunately, our administrators can do what they want."
Really? Not sure about that.
I need a concrete answer, in writing, in proper English with complete sentences, telling me what's going on and how I should move forward. Your "terms of service" may state that you can do what you want with your site, but I'm quite sure it doesn't allow you to mess with mine, and that is what you're doing.
Hello Sal, Thank you for contacting Lunarpages Internet Solutions & Web Hosting. Before we can discuss account specific queries, for security purposes
to confirm you are the account holder, please provide the following: cPanel or Plesk username or the primary domain on the account: Last 4 digits of the credit card on file: This request is for security reasons only. If you can not supply the last 4 digits of the credit card, please provide: cPanel or Plesk username or the primary domain on the account: First and last characters of the password on file: Your full postal mailing address: Telephone number: Thanks, Shaibal Das Customer Service Representative
This can't be happening.
My domain and username are the first two things in the e-mail I just sent to you.
Please get your act together.
Hello Sal, Thank you for the information. Firstly, let me apologize for any inconvenience and confusion caused. To recap the issue, I refer to ticket------ I find that the main issue was not being able to access the zip files in your posts.
I also find noted in the ticket that the zip files were accessable using the
shared SSL of the server
(example:----- Your account's shared SSL URL was https://memra.lunarbreeze.com------ Yes, the shared SSL URL was available on all shared servers
but recently we have disabled shared SSL on all shared servers
due to functionality conflicts. As such, your zip files stopped being accessable. It was suggested in the above mentioned ticket to change the path
to normal path like http://yourdomain.com/file.zip instead.
It was also mentioned that if you do want to keep a secured (i.e. https://)
access to your zip files, you could purchase an SSL Certificate,
either from us or from any other SSL Certificate provider. Currently I find that the zip file mentioned by you on page
http://burnwoodtonite.blogspot.in/2013/09/mr-bass- man-youve-got-that-certain. html
is using a normal URL i.e. http://memra.lunarbreeze.com/~burnw0/bass.zip
and not https://memra.lunarbreeze.com/~burnw0/bass.zip.
As such, your zip files is downloadable again. Having said that, I find not further note of changing of the shared
SSL URL to norrmal URL in our records. Hope I could explain. Please don't hesitate to update the ticket
if you need further assistance. Thanks, Shaibal Das Customer Service Representative
I'm sorry but I have to correct you on one thing.
My zipfiles have never been https:. Not once since October of 2008. They have always been- http://memra.lunarbreeze.com/ ALWAYS. And yet all were disabled, and I was still told I need to purchase the SSL certificate. I was also told on the phone
that this was irreversible. So where do I stand?
Why would I have canceled a five-year relationship where everything
ran smoothly if there were no issues?
Please explain this so I understand how to move forward.
I've done nothing different in five years. How do I trust LunarPages at this point?
Hello Sal, Thank you for getting back to us. I again apologize for any misunderstanding that may have happened in ticket #3000838. As of now you do not have to purchase any SSL Certificate
if you are not using any https:// reference on your website. Having said that, I have forwarded this ticket to our server administrators
for further review. Please note that queue may have a longer turn around time for
responses as the tickets there tend to require more in depth evaluations. You will be notified when more information is available.
Please don't hesitate to update the ticket if you have any further queries. Thanks, Shaibal Das Customer Service Representative
Shaibal, I need you to please answer these questions as simply as possible: 1) Why were the links disabled in the first place if I wasn't using an HTTPS URL? 2) If I were to begin uploading the way I've been uploading for the last five years,
can you assure me all with work as normal? 3) Why was I told I needed to purchase an SSL ticket? Thank you.
I have not heard back.
Zip files are working.
I have a headache.

"Hello Sal. Is there anything else I can help you with today?"
What a mess!
Thanks for fighting the good fight and thanks for these SOTW. As I said elsewhere,
that Tommy Keene cover of Ride On Baby is the song that took root in my head this week.
Ah...the joys of dealing with off-shore support! I suggest taking a few aspirin as a precautionary measure.
In all seriousness, though, I just wanted to say that what you do here (headaches and all) is very much appreciated by others.
Best of luck, Sal!
Sal, I found this post more dramatic and entertaining than, well, any of the crappy shows currently available to me on TV.
You seem to have infinite patience, though, especially if you're thinking of giving these losers another chance.
Still, it hurts to lose all of your work and if you could go for another five years without any more foul-ups I suppose it might be worth it.
I hope it works out - just keep your back-up plan in place.
Real nice to see the return of the SOTW mix... I always thoroughly enjoy these. Thanks for trudgin' thru the IT/techie mud to bring us the MUSIC, Sal!!
A big cheer & many thanks for the return of the SOTW, nice to have it back! Keep on keepin' on; your blood, sweat & tears are not in vain!
Shaibal Das wants to connect with you on LinkedIn!
Thanks Sal, you are fighting the good fight for us all out here that appreciate your wonderful efforts and work in bringing great music to the masses
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