Friday, February 7, 2020

"Todds & Ends": THE WEEKEND MIX

Todd Rundgren's "Something/Anything?" celebrated its 48th birthday this week. To say this record changed my musical life is an understatement. From the very first show I attended as a wee lad in 1975, through a couple of hundred shows later, including a few chances to see this summer's performance of "A Wizard/A True Star," Todd Rundgren has managed to be in my wheelhouse through it all.

It's not all good. I am not one of those fans who refuses to call it how I see it...or hear it, actually. I have been disappointed a good number of times, both in concert and on record. But unlike many who simply gave up after "Something/Anything?," I have hung around because there is always a payoff that makes it worthwhile.

I put together a mix for me. This is not definitive. It's not even all of my favorites. It's what I felt like listening to. It includes Todd solo tracks, as well as a guest spot or two, some productions and a bit of Utopia.  The Spotify playlist differs a bit from the download, as it ran a bit longer than the allotted time for a CD, so I edited a few tunes. The zip file also includes a couple of songs that were not on Spotify. See? Just like the major labels, ripping everybody off and making you need both!



cmealha said...

I had forgotten all about Guitars and Women. What a great album with great production and other contributions by Todd. A nice selection of tracks, especially for the uninitiated.

Anonymous said...

my family moved to Columbus OH in the early 70's and it seemed like every kid had a copy of Something/Anything, at least those that liked music. I Saw the Light was a hook, and I'm glad Todd has become comfortable again with performing the hits. As you said earlier in the week, I go back to those Daryl's House episodes regularly, too. My sister and I divided over the Utopia albums (she swoons over Kasim Sultan), but I've come around on them since his last Utopia tour.

Bill said...

Oh man! Now you're going to tell me I have to buy the vinyl reissue in two years. :)

Looking forward to playing this one today...

Troy said...

I'm not as big a fan as most here, but I do really like the last few Utopia albums, especially the S/T one. I'm looking forward to checking this out (I know and love the Cheap Trick tune, and remember liking the New Cars tune a lot). Hoping to find a few extra gems in my discovery. Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

"Someday We'll Know" is the triple-play, combining the aural mix of H&O, Todd, and Gregg Alexander

Anonymous said...

The thing about Todd is that even mediocre Todd is really, really good Todd.

I am thoroughly gobsmacked that he was involved in Ian H.'s I Need Your Love as Short Back 'n' Sides could be my favorite Ian album. Missed it in the liner notes.



What a fun mix! Thanks Todd. Thanks Sal!

heartsofstone said...

Awesome mix - especially like the inclusion of Someday We'll Know

A walk in the woods said...

Looking forward to this! BTW, Something/Anything is my favorite LP.