Monday, March 7, 2022

Almost 20 Years Ago Today...


For a short spell, 2002-2005, I was really plugged into the E Street Band camp. Little Steven's Underground Garage had been launched and NYCD was one of their main go-to places for music. The hook-up came through a friend. Then I became friends with the hook-up, and then the hook-up hooked me up with a few more hook-ups. Prior to 2002, I had seen Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band live about a dozen times, the first time in 1980. Between 2002-2005, I clocked in about 30 shows, including a few rehearsals. 

One particular show turned into a day long road trip with a friend, who I believe had never seen The Boss perform live. This was exciting for both of us. The show was in Atlantic City at Boardwalk Hall, 19 years ago today, March 7th, 2003. Almost 40 years ago that same night, The Beatles had played the very same stage.



The ride down to A.C. was uneventful. Just two friends yapping and listening to some music. We had seats in Little Steven's section, and passes to hang out in the E Street Lounge, but once we got near the Boardwalk, parking was non-existent, and any pre-show hang was going to be in the car, looking for a space. 

With showtime creeping up on us, we managed to find a spot about ten blocks away, on one of the less desirable Monopoly Avenues. In front of a strip joint. Next to a pawn shop. My friend is famous for what we call his "parking karma." On one of the busiest days in Coney Island's year, the New Year's Day Polar Bear Swim, he calmly pulls up right in front of the Cyclone, somehow finding the one and only legal spot. This happens everywhere we go. And so, he was confident.

I asked, "Do you think the car will be here when we get back?"

My friend got out and said, "We'll be fine here" just as one of the "dancers" was coming out of the strip joint. 

"You'll be fine here, baby. Ain't nobody gonna touch your car. I'll keep an eye on it."

"She'll keep an eye on it," my friend said to me, as we jogged to Boardwalk Hall. We got there with just enough time to grab a few beers and chat with a few of the gang from the Underground Garage. 

The show was typically amazing, with the band opening with "Atlantic City," of course, as well as the usual sprinkling of surprises, including "Does This Bus Stop At 82nd Street," "It's Hard To Be A Saint In The City," "Jersey Girl," (why not?) and finishing up with the rarely played "Roll Of The Dice." (Makes sense.)

But the real surprise was the first encore, the debut of The Beatles' "Tell Me Why" to commemorate the anniversary of The Fabs appearance. It was a blast, if a bit ragged. I'm pretty sure they worked it up in the dressing room just a few hours before showtime. The band was having fun and that joy was exploding into the crowd, especially when they (almost) nailed that falsetto part. Little Steven started laughing, then Bruce started laughing and then we all were laughing.

We hightailed it out of the hall, down the windy boardwalk, and as Miss Popsicle promised, the car was there. All was okay. We made it home in one piece.

2023 will be the 20th anniversary of that night, but  I was reminded of the trip today and felt like hearing "Tell Me Why."


Keith35 said...

This may be shocking to you, but I've never see Bruce. I may try to rectify that if he ever tours again

kevin m said...

I have to say, I was fully expecting to find out that your friend's car went missing after the show. Sounds like a magical night altogether!

BTW- are there are any rumors of Bruce touring this year?

Sal Nunziato said...

I believe it. I never got ot see The Dead, and I regret it.

Kevin M,
My source told me a 2022 tour was being prepped.

Anonymous said...

I was also expecting something amiss with the car.

Good times for all - Great story!


heartsofstone said...

I was at that show. I love when the E Street Band stretch out of the usual, albeit, long list of songs they play. They always seem to be having a blast when they are a little ragged.

pmac said...

Damn, what a great story. Haven't seen Springsteen in ages. First time was at the Mahalia Jackson Theatre in NO (2,500 capacity). Was before Born to Run. I had no idea who he was, but a friend was from NJ and insisted we go. They played non-stop for 3.5 hours, with several encores, mostly consisting of Buddy Holly songs (and, Boz Scaggs jumped on stage and sang back-up on a few).
Thanks, Sal.

A Walk In The Woods said...

Great story!

And "Tell Me Why" is one of the Top Ten Beatles Songs That Nobody Talks About That Is Incredible. Would love to hear it live!

dogbreath said...

Fab reminiscence which I've shared with a mate who's a big Boss fan. I was anticipating you getting back to the car and finding it up on bricks with the tyres missing. Oh well. Cheers!

Chris Collins said...

I've always regretted not going to that show!

Stephen said...

Always good to hear a fun story.

Springsteen........always wonderful live.
Ive seen him back in London a few times and more recently on the last tour here in Australia.

That SLF LP (you listened to) is a fantastic Irish Punk album....still sounds great now.

Stay Safe

Christine said...

What a great story! One for the book (hint hint). I wonder what Miss Popsicle is doing these days?