Saturday, July 16, 2022

Saturday In The Weeds, #5: By Request. Really. I Swear.


Last week, hpunch was kind enough to ask if there was any footage of The Hard Copies playing The Meters' "Cissy Strut." The answer is yes, but none that I'd care to share. With respect to my Hard Copies bandmates, it's not you. It's me.

But while digging through the weeds, I did come across a version that ain't half bad.

From July of 2014, here is The Ed Lozano Band featuring Ed Lozano, shredding on guitar off-camera to the left, Allen Vella on bass, Rob Wahlgren on guitar and yours truly, never going to be Zigaboo Modeliste, on the kit.

This band actually took this show on the road for one gig, but if memory serves, we dropped "Cissy Strut" from the setlist. Watching this now for the first time in eight years, I think we could have pulled it off, even if the funk veers off a bit into jamville.

I've always loved Zigaboo, but until I tried playing Meters songs, I never realized just how damn funky and deep his pockets really are.

Thanks, as always, for your indulgence.


hpunch said...

Wow... That was truly smoking. Love your quick snare fills at the end,
Thanks for filing my request. You're welcome readers....

JB said...

Thank you hpunch. Thank you Sal. Thank you Ed Lozano Band. Thank you Meters. Thank you Cissy.

That was fun.

M_Sharp said...

That's pretty damn good!