Monday, February 19, 2024

Defiance Pt. 2




It looks like April 19th will be the day for Ian Hunter's new record, "Defiance Pt. 2."

For this outing, the all-stars appearing include Lucinda Williams, Benmont Tench, Waddy Wachtel, the living Stone Temple Pilots, the not living Jeff Beck and Taylor Hawkins, and on this first track, Brian May and Joe Elliott.

"Defiance Pt.2" also has the subtitle "Fiction," though I don't recall the first part having one.

I do like this first single.


cmealha said...

I loved Part 1 and have been anxiously awaiting Part 2. This is a solid track. Good for him.

hpunch said...

What podcast features you thrashing Lenny Kravitz?

buzzbabyjesus said...

I listened to the whole thing, which is a good sign for me.
It's a pretty good song on first listen, however the thinness of his voice got to me, especially at the start.
Maybe that's where the Fiction under Defiance vs old age fits in.

For an epic thrashing of Lenny Kravits, I recommend Pat Finnerty's "What Makes This Song Stink?" Episode 5 "The Kravits Bowl"

It's hilarious

Anonymous said...

He's 85. I had to let that sink in a bit.

steve simels said...

I think it's great. Kind of inspirational, actually.

Jimbo said...

'Unter like a great bottle of wine or whiskey, the older it gets the better it taste.