Thursday, February 29, 2024

Paul Weller, Listening Habits & The Thing!



My friend Bobby and I experience something we call "The Thing" more often than not. Actually, I bet all of you experience "The Thing." This is an otherworldly phenonemon that makes that weird iPod algorithm, when it plays something you are thinking about, look like child's play. "The Thing" is bigger than all of us.

One of my favorite examples of "The Thing" happened a couple of years ago. I bought a record from a dealer friend who owns Clockwork Records. When it arrived in the mail, I opened the box to find a note, "Thanks Sal! Go Yankees! Mike." 

Ah, forgot Mike was a Yankees fan. But what the hell is Mike's last name? I knew it was an Italian name, so I started rattling off possibilities in my head. Vitale? Russo? Gennaro? Nothing was satisfying me.

Later that night, "The Producers" was on TCM, so I watched it. About halfway in, Dick Shawn makes his first appearance auditioning for "Springtime For Hitler." He states his name, "Lorenzo Saint Dubois, but you can call me L.S.D."


That is "The Thing." How the hell does that happen?

Well, it happened again.

I have been listening to some Paul Weller, anticipating the new record "66" coming in May. But rather than play some old faves, I decided to try again with some records that I didn't particularly care for the first few times around. One of those is "Fat Pop Vol. 1." It's not as if I didn't like the record. It's that nothing really jumped out at me. Yet I'd keep playing it. Something kept calling me back. The same could be said for "Saturns Pattern." I wanted to love these records, but I couldn't nail down anything to love...until yesterday, when for some strange reason, both hit me hard. I was loving everything about these records and decided to write about them.

Then I woke up to an email from my friend cmealha:

"It's funny how the manner in which you listen to something affects how you feel about it. I was kind of so-so on the new Brittany Howard album. I liked about half of it based on my listening on my iPhone with earbuds. So I listened to the copy that I bought from you today on the new system and it was just so powerful that I wound up changing my mind completely on the whole album. It really is good. Loved it."


I imagine coincidences happen all the time, especially in the age of iPhones and social media where you can think about something and minutes later, see an ad for the very thing you were thinking about. But occasionally, like discovering the last name of a friend by watching a movie six hours later, or writing a post about listening habits and then waking up to an email from a friend who was thinking the same thing, it is more than a coincidence. It freaks me out!


That said, yes cmealha, that Brittany Howard record is solid. It works as a whole, I think. And yes, I completely agree, records can sound and feel different based on when and where you are listening. Both Weller's "Fat Pop" and "Saturns Pattern" decided to show themselves to me this week . Or did I allow them to show themselves to me? Either way, it feels like I just got two new Paul Weller records a few months before another gets released.

This is why I never give up on artists I love. One pass is never enough. Of course, it could backfire. I could love a record on the first two passes and then realize on the third pass that it wasn't all that. But that's okay, too, as long as we keep listening.


cmealha said...

Freaky! I'm glad "The Thing" is not something only I experience. It happens all the time. I put it all down to quantum entanglement. Or maybe Siri is reading our minds.

Whattawino said...

Or as The Isley’s might have put it: “It’s The Thing, it do what it gonna do…I can tell ya, it gonna sock it to ya!”

Bombshelter Slim said...

Oh yeah... when I had an I-pod (remember them?) that worked strange things would happen. Had it on random shuffle mode exclusively, the weirdest one was listening to the Stones do "Can I Get A Witness" and chuckling at how much fun some of those early cover versions they did were. Of course, the god (bless her) chose, out of the 16 thousand tracks contained therein, to follow it with the master's version of the same tune. There's something about Marvin, innit?

Anonymous said...

I felt the same way you did when hearing Saturns Pattern when it came out, but I have not listened to it since that time.

You've motivated me to give it another try.



steve simels said...

The Thing?

What — no love for Phil Harris?😛

daudder said...

Speaking of, "That Dangerous Age" is such a great song...make the more ancient of us move around a bit more...

Marc said...

Those Weller songs are pretty good! I loved the Jam, but Style Council left me cold and I haven't listened to much of his solo records (though I saw him live a few years ago with a friend who's a huge fan). I think I need to hear more.

Oh, and Julian Lage is great!


Christine said...

When "The Thing" happens to me, I am still always amazed! I feel very strongly that it is more than just a coincidence.

I loved "I'm Where I Should Be" and I feel like "Saturn Pattern" could have been performed spectacularly by Queen back when Freddie was alive!

"But that's okay, too, as long as we keep listening." Yep.