Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Richard Lewis getting bent out of shape over Halley’s Comet: 

“My whole life I’ve been saying Haley’s Comet now without warning it’s Halley’s Comet. So what next? I order a slice of pizza with pepperoni and the guy says, “You mean, a sleece of pooza with pepperini?


hpunch said...

He's the Sal Nunziato of comedians.

hpunch said...

Oh no!!!! I wrote that before hearing of his passing..
Bummed out. I know he's been ill, I guess I didn't know how ill.

Guy Incognito said...

Was luck enough to meet him around 1987, got to drive him from the Atlanta Airport up to Athens for a gig at UGA. He sat in the way way back of the van with pages of notes, prepping for his appearance on Letterman the next night. But even with that work going on he still chatted with me and the faculty advisor, and was very kind and funny. He was really not very different off stage than on, and I mean that in a good way.

Michael Giltz said...

hahaha, hpunch. Richard Lewis would appreciate the compliment.

Zippy said...

And so where does this leave the pronunciation of Ace Frehley's solo band's name?

Christine said...

Shit - everyone do yourselves a favor and watch the 3rd episode of this season's Curb Your Enthusiasm. I had to watch it three times because of the back and forth between Richard and Larry in the golf cart. Funniest thing I've seen in a long time. Zippy - I suppose we would pronounce it "FRAY-lee's Comet"?