Monday, March 10, 2025

Leopold And Lisa Loeb


I loved "Stay" when I first heard it. And I still loved it after it became a smash. As a matter of fact, I loved Lisa Loeb for a few albums. She wasn't, I felt, a one hit wonder. "Firecracker" is a record filled with great music; great melodies, hooks, harmonies. You know, the stuff you need and don't always get from your favorite artists. But Lisa Loeb delivered. Maybe...MAYBE...her lyrics were a tad too self-assertive, or maybe even a bit smug for pop music. But they weren't unrelatable. They just tried a bit too hard to be Joni Mitchell. In many ways, Lisa hit that pop music pulse that Joni didn't always nail. It's apples and oranges, I know. But If I had to sell a hit single to a scummy suit, I'd find more hit singles on Lisa Loeb records than on Joni records. 

Lisa Loeb should have had a bigger and better career. I'm sure she's doing better than I am. But as a lover of all things music, I think Lisa Loeb deserves more from the "cognescenti."


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